Modern Slavery

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Costero Brokers Ltd. Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2020

Whilst Costero Brokers (CB) is not required to make an official statement under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, it is a subject that is important to us and as an industry, the Insurance Sector is doing its part to combat Modern Slavery.

As an intermediary within the Insurance Supply chain we transact business with vetted, regulated, professional insurers and intermediaries and employ staff that are suitably qualified, experienced and of good repute to help ensure that we meet our obligations. Referral will be made to the Board of Directors if there is any indication of child exploitation, human trafficking or any other aspect of Modern Slavery in our supply chain. Our Board will review our policy periodically to ensure that our approach remains appropriate.

As a general rule, the insurance sector is not deemed to be greatly exposed to Modern Slavery in its various forms, however at prospect we remain diligent and alert to this issue. We do not have any formal training on Modern Slavery but as a small firm we maintain full awareness through informal training and as the Insurance Sector Training suppliers provide more material on this subject, we will be able to investigate more formal training.

If you have any concerns that fall withing the wide subject of Modern Slavery, then please do contact us via the “Contact” section of the website.

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